Miłosz Orzeł

.net, js, html, arduino, java... no rants or clickbaits.

Controlling CSS module class names in Vite


A couple of months ago, I've migrated my vim.morzel.net hobby project from Create React App to Vite and noted down a few things that required attention. Recently, while adding dark mode to the same project, I've spotted another difference between CRA and Vite: class names for CSS modules were build differently.

For example, this is what I had in CRA for file named DrillChoiceScreen.module.css and a class named Content:

Class names with CRA... Click to enlarge...


and this is what I got for the same thing in Vite:

Class names with Vite... Click to enlarge...


Notice that the file name prefix is missing. I preferred having it as it makes it obvious which .module.css contains the styling.

I've spent some time experimenting with Vite config for CSS modules, and logged few observations in case I need to tweak it again in the future, or you need to do it now :)



As usual with Vite, the configuration happens in vite.config.ts, which is automatically added when you start a new project with npm create vite@latest command. This is how the fresh file looks like (at least for React/TypeScript+SWC in Vite 5.2.0, with semicolons added - cause I like 'em):

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react-swc";

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],

And this is how it looks after adding a css.modules configuration to make the file name appear in generated CSS module class names:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc';

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  css: {
    modules: {
      generateScopedName: '[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]'



Providing string pattern to generateScopedName property (as shown above) is the easiest way to affect generated class names. Vite uses postcss-modules (by default, but there's experimental support for Lightning CSS, configured differently). The interpolated string supports multiple placeholders which are described here.

While using the string was easy, the [name] pattern produces full name of the file. I name my CSS modules in this way: for component Example.tsx the styling goes to Example.module.css. Having "module" in class name was a bit annoying...

Fortunately, the generateScopedName can also take a function that gives a lot of control over the generated names.


Below you can see an example of generateScopedName function config that creates class names containing: custom prefix _m, file name, class name and a line number.

This is based on example from postcss-modules docs but tweaked slightly to give more descriptive parameter names and to handle both Unix (LF) and Windows (CRLF) line endings.

For Example.module.css file and a MyClass class from line 10, it produces: m_Example_MyClass_10 as generated class name. 

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc';
import path from 'path';

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  css: {
    modules: {
      generateScopedName: (className, filePath, css) => {
        const classNameIndex = css.indexOf(`.${className}`);
        const lineNumber = css.substr(0, classNameIndex).split(/\r?\n/).length;
        const fileName = path.basename(filePath, '.module.css');
        const prefix = 'm_';

        return `${prefix}${fileName}_${className}_${lineNumber}`;

When deciding on a class name, it's important to remember that it should not start with a digit. Best to always include some prefix (can be as simple as an underscore). Watch out especially if you would like to have the name started with content hash (nothing worse than a flaky issues caused by some hashes starting with a digit).

Speaking of prefixes and hashes: the css.modules has a hashPrefix property, but mind that it doesn't control what's prepended to the class name. It affects the computed hash value which you can include in the string version of generateScopedName with the [hash] pattern. 

This is how a function that includes hash of CSS (full module file content) could look like (provided that import crypto from 'crypto'; is added):

generateScopedName: (className, filePath, css) => {
  const classNameIndex = css.indexOf(`.${className}`);
  const lineNumber = css.substr(0, classNameIndex).split(/\r?\n/).length;
  const fileName = path.basename(filePath, '.module.css');
  const prefix = 'm_';

  const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(css).digest('hex').substring(0, 4);

  return `${prefix}${fileName}_${className}_${lineNumber}_${hash}`;

The crypto module contains tones of options, but for the purpose of content hash suffix simply taking a few characters from SHA-1 hex representation should be ok.



As show earlier in this post, the defineConfig function can take an object that describes the configuration, but it can also take a function. Vite docs call it conditional config. The function receives and object with a couple of properties, one of them is command. Using this property you can distinguish between running the app locally while developing (npm run dev) and building for release (npm run build).

Here's an example of conditional config that uses hashes for class names for build and much longer and more descriptive names for development:

export default defineConfig(({ command }) => {
  return {
    plugins: [
    css: {
      modules: {
        generateScopedName: (className, file, css) => {
          const classNameIndex = css.indexOf(`.${className}`);
          const lineNumber = css.substr(0, classNameIndex).split(/\r?\n/).length;
          const fileName = path.basename(file, '.module.css');
          const prefix = 'm_';

          let result;

          if (command === 'build') {
            const hash = crypto
              .update(className + lineNumber + css)
              .substring(0, 8);

            result = `${prefix}${hash}`;
          } else {
            const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(css).digest('hex').substring(0, 4);
            const combined = `${prefix}${fileName}_${className}_${lineNumber}_${hash}`;

            result = combined.replace(/(?<=^.+_)Top_\d+_/, '');

          return result;

Notice that the hashed value for command === 'build' combines the class name, line number and CSS. In the else branch (development) just the CSS is hashed, but there the hash is only an addon on much more informative name.

In the development mode you can also notice a replace call with a regular expression. It may look a bit complicated because it uses lookbehind assertion, but it's there to shorten names such as Example_Top_1_Something_5 to Example_Something_5 (I'm using Top as the "main" class name for a component that uses CSS module).

Notes from migrating React app from CRA to Vite


I've recently made the decision to migrate my vim.morzel.net pet-project from Create React App to Vite. To be honest, I was quite content with how CRA (with a bit of React App Rewired) functioned, and updating might not have been necessary. However, I wanted to use this migration as practice before possibly employing Vite on something more serious (where the speed and active development of Vite might prove a blessing).

Here's a summary of the front-end part of vim.morzel.net as reported by cloc on src directory:

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
TypeScript                      94            535             88           3382
CSS                             32            268             10           1613
JavaScript                       3             71             26            364
Markdown                         1             28              0             58
JSON                             1              0              0             15
SVG                              1              0              0              1
SUM:                           133            902            124           5433

The project is done mostly with TypeScript and CSS (modules). JS lines come primarily from glue code for WebAssembly module for drills (which is done in Rust in separate repository).

Most notable dependencies are Redux (with Toolkit), React Syntax Highlighter, Fontsource and React Testing Library. Full list with links is at the bottom of this page.

As you can see, the project is small, but nonetheless useful as a testing ground for migration to Vite.

Application is deployed on DigitalOcean droplet with Ubuntu 20.04, NGINX 1.18.0, Node.js 17.3.0 and PM2 5.10.

In this post I'll note my approach for the migration (which worked quite well) and the issues I ran into. Hopefully you will find some useful information here in case you plan to switch to Vite too.



Switching dev/build tooling sounded like a good occasion to upgrade the React version too (from 16.9.0 to 18.2.0). This went surprisingly smoothly, I just needed to update to new application root (details here).
Once on latest React, I went for newest Jest and React Testing Library without any blockers (wasn't sure yet about trying Vitest).



Initially the plan was to replace CRA features with Vite as described in this article or this one, but then I thought that I'm too much of a noob in Vite and I would rather start with a nice and clean Vite project and move the screens to that fresh setup. So I've created a branch for the Vite version and put there only the results of running Vite scaffolding (v4.3.9) for React with TypeScript and SWC. Then I checked out the CRA version (master branch) to another folder so I could easily move files around and have the two applications running side by side for comparison. Putting content from old version to the new was quite easy: basically copy & paste of folders with features, utils and overall app setup (like Redux store). Then copy some style and config files, favicon etc. A bit more attention was needed for putting chunks of code in index.html, src/main.tsx and src/App.tsx. I of course had to install a couple of dependencies that the app needed but were not part of Vite scaffolding...



There were a couple of things that required adjustments, here they are in random order - I might have forgot some, sorry :)

Port configuration

By default Vite runs dev server on port 5173, CRA does it on 3000. Since I had a couple of bookmarks with :3000 I wanted to keep it. It's easy to change: just add this to your vite.config.ts:

server: {
  port: 3000,
  open: true

The open flag will automatically launch browser when server starts (just like CRA does by default).

You can also add a config for running production build locally with npm run preview (no need for installing serve like in CRA):

preview: {
  port: 3000,
  open: true

Accessing config from .env files

The CRA version used .env files (like .env.development or .env.production) with the help of env-cmd package. Chosen values (prefixed with REACT_APP_) were automatically included in UI and accessed like this: process.env.REACT_APP_SOMETHING in code. Fortunately Vite has built-in support for .env files (thanks to dotenv), but exposed values should be prefixed with VITE_. Access to values is slightly different, there is no process.env but you should use import.meta.env (for example: import.meta.env.VITE_SOMETHING)


In CRA one could check process.env.NODE_ENV value to see if application was build in development or production mode. In Vite this should be changed to check of import.meta.env.DEV or import.meta.env.PROD boolean properties.

No need for %PUBLIC_URL%

While copying some things into new index.html file form CRA version I forgot to remove %PUBLIC_URL% placeholders, these should not be present in Vite version.

Injecting values into views

In CRA I've used preval.macro to inject build timestamp into a diagnostic feature. Maybe it was possible to make it work in Vite too but I went with source transform in vite.config.ts instead:

plugins: [
    name: 'build-timestamp-placeholder',
    transform(src, id) {
      if (id.endsWith('Footer.tsx') && src.includes('BUILD-TIMESTAMP-PLACEHOLDER')) {
        const date = new Date();
        return src.replace('BUILD-TIMESTAMP-PLACEHOLDER', date.toISOString() + date.getTimezoneOffset());

Update (2024-01-28): You can also define global constant replacement to have a built timestamp. This Stack Overflow answer describes it nicely, it looks like a better solution. I'm leaving the part above because it won't hurt to know how to write a source transform :)

Update (2024-05-02): There's one more thing you might want to tweak in the config: generated CSS module class names.

Missing robots

When I run Lighthouse on Vite version, it told me that the app was missing robots.txt file (bad from search engines perspective). Indeed, the file was missing, so I copied it to the public folder from CRA version and problem went away.

Missing caching on static files

In CRA version, the static files of built application (*.js, *.css, *.wasm, *.woff2...) were kept in folder named static. In Vite this went to a folder named assets and made Lighthouse rightfully angry about missed opportunity for caching static resources. Since I run my app on NGINX, I had to update a rule that sets caching headers on files from folder named static to the assets folder.

This is how traffic looked like before enabling caching on static files:

Trafic without caching... Click to enlarge...

and this is with caching:

Trafic with caching... Click to enlarge...

Build output directory

When you run a build on CRA the results go into a directory named build, in Vite it goes to dist. I've had a few scripts that assumed build so these had to switch to dist.

Precise file extensions

Vite doesn't like it when a file has *.js or *.ts extension but contains JSX. It turned out that I had one rogue file like it, renamed, fixed.

Tweaking lint rules

The default ESLint rules in Vite were a bit too harsh for my toy project, so I got to add a few exceptions into .eslintrc.cjs config (like '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 'off')

Switching to Vitest

I've heard some good things about Vitest and since full integration of Jest into Vite is currently a bit complicated I decided to give Vitest a try.

This is the test config I have in vite.config.ts:

test: {
  globals: true,
  environment: 'jsdom',
  setupFiles: './src/test/setup.ts',
  // you might want to disable it, if you don't have tests that rely on CSS
  // since parsing CSS is slow
  css: true

and this is the entire content of import src/test/setup.ts;

import '@testing-library/jest-dom';

Aside of config, I had to change usage of jest.fn() to vi.fn() to make the test that use function mocks work.

Oh, one more thing: in CRA/Jest test run complained about one of the files generated for WebAssembly module (maybe it could've been fixed with transformIgnorePatterns in Jest config) but in Vite/Vitest I don't see this problem anymore. 



Once I was happy with how the app was working on a branch created for migration it was time to put Vite on the main (master) branch. This was very easy with the use of merge --strategy=ours (details) because I refrained from making any changes on master while working on the migration. After the merge, I have a clean Vite setup while Git history of files that existed before migration is preserved. Nice.


On localhost

Here's some comparison between the CRA and Vite versions while working on localhost (both after migration to React 18.2.0):

  • Running production build (average of 3 runs, duration as reported by real line in Linux time command output): CRA: 9s, Vite: 4.5s.
  • Starting production build locally with serve -s build in CRA and npm run preview in Vite (average of 3 runs, with time counted from running the command to a functional app appearing in new Chrome tab): CRA 3s, Vite: 0.8s
  • Observing change in a screen while running in DEV mode (hot module reload): CRA: 0.5s, Vite: practically instant :)
  • Running tests: well, frankly speaking I have (currently, yeah) very little tests on that hobby project so I can't offer very meaningful numbers, I can only tell that Vite/Vitest looks about 2.5x faster than CRA/Jest.

To sum up: Vite is noticeably faster but that doesn't mean that CRA version is slow (the difference will start to be significant on a larger application).

On server

What about the deployed application? Unfortunately I don't have data from CRA before updating React so here are the Lighthouse (navigation/desktop with forced clear storage) scores from CRA on React 16.9.0 (left) and Vite on 18.0.2 (right):

Lighthouse scores for CRA vs Vite (navigation, desktop, with forced cache clear)... Click to enlarge...

These are the results for Vite on mobile (sorry, no data for CRA version):

Lighthouse scores for Vite (navigation, mobile, with forced cache clear)... Click to enlarge...

This is the result for mobile but without forced clear storage (so this simulates returning visitor and benefits from static assets cache):

Lighthouse scores for Vite (navigation, mobile, without forced cache clear)... Click to enlarge...